Originally posted at slowstop.com
Parking lots throughout the nation are required to have adequate parking space for handicapped and disabled drivers by law due to the Americans with Disability Act. Proper signage must be displayed reserving these spaces. This often leads to increased cost in designing parking lots as well as significant maintenance due to damaged sign posts.
There are two main types of parking spaces reserved for the disabled. The first is the "strip mall" type which are parking spaces directly in front of building access. These are either perpendicular with the bulding or angled in. Sometimes the handicap placard is mounted to a building column, but more often a simple signpost or bollard signpost embedded in concrete is used. Sometimes the building curb can act as a car stop to avoid damage to the sign. The second type is found in an open parking lot, usually closest to the building, but seperated by a travel lane. Again, a sign post or bollard sign post is used to mount the placard, however a concrete car stop is almost always needed to avoid damage to the sign post.

Thanks to the new SlowStop Rebounding Bollard system, a solution has arrived that can solves the issues of high up-front cost and repeated maintenance. The SlowStop Bollard system is a steel bollard with an energy absorbing elastomer hidden inside. When impacted, the bollard gives about 20 degrees before locking solid. This decreases damage to the bollard and sign, to vehicles impacting the bollard, and to the concrete it is attached. The SlowStop Handicap Parking Bollard Sign system is also very simple to install, requiring only a hammerdrill and an impact wrench to surface mount to concrete. Once this is done, the bollard is filled with concrete mix to hold the sign pole in place, and installation is complete.
This system has several cost advantages. First off, on a concrete surface, no coring is needed to place the sign. This eliminates coordination with a concrete contractor as well. Second, no car stop is needed, as the bollard acts as its own car stop. The system is flexible, and can accommodate custom sign placards. It can also be moved easily if needed.
More Durable, Less Expensive
See detailed product information HERE.